[Scene is Terry’s apartment]
(Adrian is sitting on the couch, looking from left to right)
(Terry walks into the living room)
Terry Boldman: Did you sleep good last night?
Adrian Thompson: No, I really couldn’t
(Terry goes and sits down beside Adrian; looking at Adrian from his left)
Terry Boldman: don’t tell me CJ is still on your mind
Adrian Thompson: not only that but a lot more; last night was really messy; I don’t know what to think about
Terry Boldman: it all hit you at once, something you wasn’t ready for
Adrian Thompson: I haven’t drank so much since that day
(Adrian leans forward into his hands, rubbing up and down on his face)
Terry Boldman: you O.D. it last night
Adrian Thompson: Duh! I mean like CJ just came out of nowhere; damn dude, I couldn’t have run into him somewhere else. I know he likes to club and all but couldn’t it been like the bookstore or something. My gosh
(Terry just continues looking at Adrian)
Adrian Thompson: at this point I don’t know what my feelings are telling me; like it got all disconnected or something. (Exhaling heavily)
(Adrian looks up and looks away from Terry)
Adrian Thompson: I can still cry because I still do love him (looking back at Terry, with a tear trail down his cheeks)
(Terry looks down then back at Adrian)
(Adrian just sits there for a moment of silent)
Terry Boldman: it’s not worth crying for; after what he did, he couldn’t keep it at home. Will you be able to trust him again? You see how you fly miles; will he do it again?
Adrian Thompson: No. I don’t want to go back out with him. I am just trying to get over him; I feel like everybody I am running into, I am pushing them away and not giving them a chance; because I want to talk to CJ, I just want to sit down one on one and really talk about it. I have lots of questions and he better have answers. I can’t keep on allowing what went down between me and him; to pass on to the next person I talk to
Terry Boldman: remember he’s not the one, there’s someone else out there
Adrian Thompson: then who was this Miguel guy? Have you heard of him?
Terry Boldman: I don’t know who he is
Adrian Thompson: He said he knows me. He wanted to tell me that; somewhere else
Terry Boldman: he is not one of them type, of crazy people, is he?
Adrian Thompson: don’t seems that way
Terry Boldman: and you do know that there are stalkers, right?
Adrian Thompson: he can be one of them; to know me like that
(Jason walks into the living room)
Jason Goodie: good morning baby
(Adrian and Terry both stand up)
(Leaning in to kiss Terry)
(The two exchange kisses)
Jason Goodie: Adrian, are you hungry? I am about to fix breakfast
(Adrian is in deep thoughts, so he nods)
(Jason leaves the room to go make breakfast)
(Adrian has the look on his face like he is really confused)
Terry Boldman: what?
Adrian Thompson: Bruce, Jason, what is going on?
Terry Boldman: Yeah, they are mine
Adrian Thompson: you three, are in a relationship together?
Terry Boldman: yeah (nodding his head)
Adrian Thompson: a polyamory relationship?
Terry Boldman: yeah, whatever that word is
Adrian Thompson: how does that work out?
Terry Boldman: you see; Bruce puts me to sleep and Jason wakes me up
(Adrian has the look on his face, like huh)
Terry Boldman: (laugh) bro it’s really simple, Bruce works in the morning and Jason works at night. So when one of them is gone, I still have someone. They take care of me, provide for me and love me. Why choose between the two, when I can have both of them.
Adrian Thompson: and they are ok with that?
Terry Boldman: yeah, why not? We all live together
Adrian Thompson: but what if they mess with each other
Terry Boldman: you know I caught them, (Adrian is just looking), and I stood there for a minute and watch them. It got so hot that I had to join. The best group sex ever. So now I look forward to days when they both are off (smirking)
Adrian Thompson: wow, my brother is a mess
(Terry reaches out and pulls Adrian closer)
Terry Boldman: do you want to be the forth wheel (laughing)
(Adrian and Terry kiss each other on the lips)
Adrian Thompson: (laughing) I cannot do that; oh my gosh! I believe that one is for one.
(Adrian pulls himself away)
Terry Boldman: it’s not made for everyone
Adrian Thompson: definitely not you, but this song has been on my head
Terry Boldman: what song
Adrian Thompson: I am going to perform it tonight
Terry Boldman: (totally blank face) huh!
Adrian Thompson: (giggle) yeah tonight at the club, you have to be there
Terry Boldman: no shit, you performing, I got to be there, (laugh), you doing drag oh lawd
[Scene changes to park]
(Vanessa is lying down on a blanket with her head resting in Brian’s lap)
(Brian is looking down at her, playing in her hair)
[Scene changes to mall]
(Charlie puts his hand into the air and snaps his fingers twice)
Charlie Adams: hello, can I get some size ten here
(The sales clerk rolls her eyes towards Charlie, then look to her co-worker)
[Scene changes to the other side of the mall]
Frank Utter: don’t you think we are here a little too early
Terry Boldman: nope
Adrian Thompson: there are sales going on, you got to be early in order to get what you want
Terry Boldman: you already know Charlie is here
Frank Utter: oh man, he is probably robbing someone; do we need to leave now?
Adrian Thompson: you are not funny
Terry Boldman: you never know these days
Frank Utter: see, I am so ready to go
Adrian Thompson: but I am not
Terry Boldman: yeah, but Frank, Adrian is going to perform and we have to make sure she looks good tonight
(Adrian looks at Frank)
Frank Utter: you are performing?
Adrian Thompson: (smiles) yes … I don’t see any other ways to say it
Terry Boldman: she has been on that shit all day
Frank Utter: Adrian do you need to smoke to come on back down to earth with us
Adrian Thompson: boy, I am serious about this. If he is there then it is going to play off
Frank Utter: what song are you performing?
Terry Boldman: that is what I am trying to find out
(Charlie is walking then just stop)
(Charlie drop his shades, off his nose)
Charlie Adams: look who I see, (high pitch) Hi Sisters!
(Everyone turns and look at Charlie)
Terry Boldman: what the fuck is this (grabbing his head)
(Charlie is standing there with two guys holding his bags)
Charlie Adams: do you need an explanation for everything you do
Terry Boldman: at least I got explanations for everything I do, what is this about
Frank Utter: what happen to you last night, shits just happen kind of fast!
Adrian Thompson: I agree with them but this is too much for me, I am out of this
(Adrian walks away)
Terry Boldman: why aren’t you saying anything?
Charlie Adams: look, how I do me is none of your damn business
[Adrian calls his mom]
Angela Benson: hi baby
Adrian Thompson: hi mom, sorry I didn’t call you last night
Angela Benson: its ok, I figured you went out with your boys
Adrian Thompson: yeah I did and ran into CJ
Angela Benson: oh, a messy night, that explains why you sound like this
Adrian Thompson: you don’t sound so good all yourself
Angela Benson: you know your father left momma all token care of
(Charlie walks off)
Adrian Thompson: what is going on? I have to go mom, bye I love you
(Adrian hangs up his phone)
(Terry and Frank walks up to Adrian)
(Terry is just standing there, lost of words)
(Terry walks off)
(Adrian and Frank look at each other)
Adrian Thompson: what happen?
[Scene change to Brain’s apartment]
(Brian and Vanessa walks inside of Brian’s apartment laughing)
(Vanessa and Brian goes and sits down on the sofa in the living room)
Vanessa Vinning: you are funny; you kept a smile on my face all day
Brian Brown: are you enjoying yourself?
Vanessa Vinning: I am
Brian Brown: do you want to watch a movie; Love and Basketball?
(Ryan walks out of the kitchen into the living room)
(Vanessa looks at Ryan)
Vanessa Vinning: you look familiar
Ryan Brown: (looks at Vanessa) I had never saw you before
(Rolling his eyes)
Ryan Brown: are you leaving anytime soon, I need to borrow your car tonight
Brian Brown: yeah, we about to watch a movie, you can borrow it
(Ryan turns and leaves)
Brian Brown: that is my brother
Vanessa Vinning: isn’t he gay?
Brian Brown: yeah and I am cool with it
Vanessa Vinning: is that why you want to meet Adrian?
Brian Brown: I just don’t have anything against homosexuality; I know who I am and what I like
(Brian leans into Vanessa and kisses her)
[Scene change to the hallway to Charlie’s apartment]
(Terry walks up to Charlie’s apartment, and finds the front door unlocked)
(Terry walks in and sees Charlie)
Terry Boldman: You tricking because you got it
[Scene changes to Club Hurricane]
(Adrian walks into the club)
Amanda Dupree: So you decide to perform, huh?
Adrian Thompson: I work a tight schedule, today is my only opening
Amanda Dupree: that’s fine boo; to perform you have to pay twenty-five dollars
(Adrian pays)
Amanda Dupree: you can head to the backroom, and start changing for your show. I will meet you back there in a few
(Adrian heads to the changing room)
(Adrian enters the changing room)
(Ryan turns his head and sees Adrian)
Ryan Brown: you bitch, the one that called me the hoe
Adrian Thompson: you again?! (remembering Ryan)
Ryan Brown: there is no security guard to hold me back now, you gonna get it
[Scene changes to Charlie’s apartment]
(Terry looks around Charlie’s apartment and sees money laying all over the floor)
(Terry looks at Charlie)
(Charlie jumps up and grabs Terry)
Charlie Adams: this is my place; I do what I do here
Terry Boldman: (grabs Charlie back) yeah selling your body for what; petty cash and loose change?
(Charlie pushes Terry)
Terry Boldman: I knew something was funny with you, I had the feelings, ya’ll two get out of here
(The two tricks start grabbing their clothes and rushes to put them on)
Charlie Adams: you guys are not going anywhere; Terry you need to go (pointing to his door)
(Terry goes over to the tricks and picks them up; pushing them towards the door)
(Charlie reaches in to grab Terry, but Terry pushes Charlie’s hands off of him)
(Terry shoves the tricks out of the apartment)
Charlie Adams: you are lucky I collected my money before service, or gurl it would have been me and you; because now you are fucking with my money
[Scene changes to changing room at Club Hurricane]
Adrian Thompson: and get what? Tell me what
Ryan Brown: my fist in your mouth
(Amanda enters the changing room)
Adrian Thompson: please boy you would be wasting your time
Ryan Brown: yeah because I wasted none on “CJ”
(Adrian gives Ryan a look)
Amanda Dupree: Sexy Miami calm down
(Ryan looks at Amanda and rolls his eyes)
Jasmine Lee Dupree: this was getting good, a show before the show, you got to love it
Amanda Dupree: Adrian why haven’t you started changing
Adrian Thompson: I am performing like this
(Everyone looks at Adrian)
Jasmine Lee Dupree: what is your stage name?
Adrian Thompson: Adrian (laugh)
Ryan Brown: the bitch is new; she doesn’t know what she is doing (laughing)
Amanda Dupree: boy I wish you luck because I don’t know what you are doing, come here everyone and pick your numbers
(Every picks a number)
Ryan Brown: yes bitch I am going last, eleven honey
Adrian Thompson: (looks at Ryan then to Amanda) three
Jasmine Lee Dupree: seven
(Ryan walks up to Adrian)
Ryan Brown: you know momma have to let the kids try and walk; so she can show them how to really doing honey (walks off)
[Scene changes Charlie’s apartment]
Terry Boldman: and what would you have done?
(Charlie punch Terry in the face)
(Terry flinch, then charges at Charlie)
(Picking Charlie up at his waist level, and slamming in on the couch)
(Charlie is punching Terry in his sides, while Terry is hitting Charlie in the guts)
(Terry pushes himself up; while holding Charlie down and give Charlie one good hit in his face)
(Charlie lays there in pain)
(Terry stands up, looking down on Charlie)
Terry Boldman: I love you too much to see you selling out like this, you really hurt me man; I don’t know what to think of you any more
(Terry leaves, slamming Charlie’s apartment door)
[Scene changes to Club Hurricane]
(The kids are lined up outside of the club, waiting to get inside)
Performer 9: I can’t wait until I perform so I can make my money and go home
(Performer 2 enters back the dressing room)
Performer 1: how did you do?
Performer 2: the kids don’t have any money
Performer 1: I didn’t do well myself
Performer 10: just hurry up and perform because I know I am going to get mine
Performer 4: Adrian you are next
(Adrian leaves to go perform)
Ryan Brown: I have to go watch this bitch flop
(Jasmine laugh)
(Ryan leaves out the other way to go into the audience)
[Zoom into the stage]
(Terry and Frank enters the club)
Amanda Dupree: Are you guys ready for another new comer?! Put your hands together for Adrian!
(Adrian enters the stage)
Terry Boldman: wow, he is performing early
Frank Utter: yeah, they tend to make all the new ones perform early because they don’t know how their performance is going to be; to make sure the show stays good
{Music starts to play: Brandy – List}
(Adrian starts mouthing the words)
(Some people in the audience are booing)
(Ryan is laughing)
“Number one
Not number three
Number one cause I’m the best
Thing in your life
I don’t wanna be on that
Boy you got me mixed, mixed up
Baby rip that list up
No list”
(CJ walks out on stage)
(CJ walks up to Adrian and hands him money)
(Adrian takes it and rips it up and throws it back at CJ)
(Miguel smiles)
(CJ looks Adrian sideways; then walks away)
(Frank and Terry enters the stage)
(They both throws money into the air and let it falls on Adrian)
(Adrian continues his performance)
(Miguel walks up to Adrian and takes a stack out of his pocket)
(Miguel is making the money rain)
Miguel Fiske: (mouthing) I can make it rain on you
(Ryan roll his eyes)
(Adrian finishes his performance)
Amanda Dupree: Did you like that performance or not? You know it does not stop raining here at Club Hurricane; it’s time to take it up a couple categories. Put your hands together for your next performer, Category 5
(Ryan enters back the changing room)
(Adrian walks out into the audience)
(Zoom in to Terry)
Bruce Matthews: baby there you are
Terry Boldman: dude, get away from me
Bruce Matthews: baby what is wrong (looking at Terry)
(Terry grabs Bruce violently)
Terry Boldman: (shook Bruce) get out of my face
(Bruce is hurt, so he walks away from Terry)
(Zoom over to Adrian)
(Adrian recognized the four trades and walk over to them)
Adrian Thompson: what are you guys name?
Trade 1: I’m Gee and this is Adam, David, and Markel
Markel Cell: what’s up with you?
Adrian Thompson: nothing, what business do you have with Charlie?
David Bottom: we just give him money to smash
Adam Worthington: but that stunt he tried to pulled that day, we not fucking with him anymore
Adrian Thompson: that‘s all I wanted to know
Gee Edwards: what you want us to pay you too
(Adrian just looks at Gee)
(Zoom back to the stage)
Amanda Dupree: Put your hands together for Jasmine Lee Dupree
(Jasmine enters the stage)
(Frank turns around and sees Bobby looking right at him
(Bobby signal to Frank that he is watching him)
(Frank curls up his fist)
(Zoom back over to Adrian)
Photographer: hey sexy, let me take a picture of you
(Adrian poses for a picture)
(Brandon walks up into Adrian face)
Brandon Creed: So you think you the shit huh?
Adrian Thompson: what are you talking about?
Brandon Creed: the way you were dancing with my man last night
(Adrian is lost)
Brandon Creed: so you really don’t remember
[Last Night Dance Floor]
(Adrian walks back over to Frank and Terry)
Adrian Thompson: you guys I’m feeling drunk
Terry Boldman: that means no more drinking for you huh
(A server is walking by)
Adrian Thompson: what category is?
Server: 7
Adrian Thompson: can I get one?
Server: sure five dollars
(Adrian starts to down the drink)
Adrian Thompson: this is my song! Yes honey!
{Drop it, drop it low girl, drop it, drop it low girl}
(Adrian starts dancing)
(Adrian is dancing with one guy after another)
{Because I’m the shit, up in this bitch, because I’m the shit, I’m the shit}
(Adrian sees another server)
Adrian Thompson: Can I have a category 7
(Markel walks off the dance floor)
Ryan Brown: and what the fuck do you think you were doing
Markel Cell: dancing
Ryan Brown: with her (pointing at Adrian)
{Don’t be tardy for party}
Miguel Fiske: I want to see you again
Adrian Thompson: what are you talking about, are you going to dance or not
Miguel Fiske: Not, I want to talk to you
Adrian Thompson: if you are not here to dance then get out of my face
(Miguel leaves)
{I wanna see some places, I’ve never seen before}
William Stockhouse: DAMN!!!
(Charlie turns his head)
Charlie Adams: I see you looking
William Stockhouse: tell me what I got to do to get you out of them jeans
Charlie Adams: put your money where your mouth is
William Stockhouse: damn, I will spend a couple stacks on you
(Charlie and William leaves together)
[Present day at Club Hurricane]
Amanda Dupree: we are almost through with the show, but our next performer is going to keep it hot for you guys!!! Put your hands together for Christina Wu Dupree
(Adrian looks back at Brandon)
Adrian Thompson: Dude, all I was doing was dancing
Brandon Creed: well I didn’t like the way you were touching on my man
Adrian Thompson: well if you didn’t like it then you should have kept him at home
Brandon Creed: who does this bitch think he is talking to (looking back at his boyfriend)
Jay Jones: baby calm down, we were only dancing
(Brandon steps to Adrian)
Photographer: (jumps in-between them) cut it out, there’s gonna be no fighting up in here; so keep it moving
Brandon Creed: bitch it’s not over, I am going to see you afterward
(Brandon and Jay walk off, and Adrian goes the other way)
(Bruce looks up and sees Terry leaving the club)
Bruce Matthews: baby I’m sorry (saying to himself)
Nelson Nelly: you did nothing wrong
Bruce Matthews: Huh?
Nelson Nelly: I saw the way he shook you, I would have never laid my hands on you, if you were mine
Bruce Matthews: he didn’t mean it in that way
Nelson Nelly: yeah he did
(Bruce is silent)
Nelson Nelly: you deserve better; what he is giving you, I got it better
Bruce Matthews: but I am happy with him
Nelson Nelly: you are calling that face happy? Come here (holding Bruce in his arms) when was the last time you were held, just to be held?
[Zoom in to the stage]
Amanda Dupree: Our last performer has decided to switch it up a bit. Are you ready for Sexy Miami?
(Ryan enters the stage)
{Music: Beyounce – Single Ladies}
(Ryan starts doing the dance routine)
(Kids in the audiences are cheering on in excitement)
(Ryan walks over to Adrian and drops down start working the floor)
Miguel Fiske: there you are
(Adrian turns his head)
Miguel Fiske: now do you want me?
Adrian Thompson: because you made it rain on me?
Miguel Fiske: and other reasons too
Adrian Thompson: look boy, I don’t need you for your money
Miguel Fiske: you are not even giving me a chance to even talk to you
Adrian Thompson: because you are not the one I want to talk too
(Miguel walks away from Adrian)
Miguel Fiske: one of these days; you are going to be mine (saying to himself)
[Scene changes to outside of Club Hurricane]
(Frank is walking towards his car)
(Frank feels someone licking up his neck)
Bobby Allens: are you ready for more?
(Frank elbow Bobby in the stomach)
(Frank turns around and punches Bobby in the face)
Frank Utter: stay the fuck away from me
(Frank jumps in his car and drives away)
[Scene changes back inside Club Hurricane]
Nelson Nelly: Why don’t you come over and spend some time with me
(Bruce and Nelson leaves)
[Zoom over to Adrian]
(Adrian stops)
Christopher Johnson: man I don’t have anything to say to you
(CJ turns and walk away)
(Adrian looks down; then looks away and see Ken)
Adrian Thompson: Ken (whispering)
Ken Kennedy: you finally realize it was me
Derrick Big: Ken you are wasting your time
Adrian Thompson: what are you doing here?
Ken Kennedy: I came here to see you; I was going to walk out on stage but after what I saw you did to him, I wasn’t taking my chances; but I called you yesterday to see what you were up too
Adrian Thompson: that still doesn’t explain why you are here
Ken Kennedy: I want to have sex with you
Adrian Thompson: are you serious? (laughing)
(Adrian walks away)
Derrick Big: I told you man, you are wasting your time. You came all the way out here for him, when you got all these hoes around you. Man you are wilding
(Adrian is looking for Frank and Terry)
Adrian Thompson: did they leave?
(Adrian leaves the club)
[Scene change to outside of Club Hurricane]
Amanda Lee Dupree: Adrian before you leave
(Adrian stops and turns around)
Amanda Lee Dupree: You did well but our rule is: if you are going to perform a female song, you have to dress and perform as a female!
Adrian Thompson: I can understand that but I’m not feeling that song as a female but myself
Amanda Lee Dupree: our rule is our rule!
[Scene is the Den on Sunday morning]
Adrian Thompson: can you believe she is gonna pull me aside and tell me that I can’t do female songs unless I drag out
Frank Utter: their rule is their rule because they had guys in the past that have done that and they pretty much crashed the show
Adrian Thompson: but it’s not like I did
(Terry is silent)
(Charlie walks into the den; then walk right back out)
Adrian Thompson: why did Charlie just walk out?
(Adrian dials Charlie’s number)
Charlie Adams: hey gurl
Adrian Thompson: why didn’t you come join us?
Charlie Adams: because I have no business to be at the table with that bitch
Adrian Thompson: who are you talking about?
Adrian Thompson: he hanged up on me, what is going on?
[Scene change to Stephanie’s bedroom]
(Stephanie and Zac are breathing heavy)
Zac Green: we spent the entire weekend in your room
Stephanie Tanner: I know (giggling)
Zac Green: I bust everywhere expect one place, can I cum inside of you?
Stephanie Tanner: are you ready for the responsibility?
Zac Green: I am, are you?
Stephanie Tanner: Yes, so does this make us official?
Zac Green: YESSIR!
(Stephanie moan)
[Scene change to Den]
Terry Boldman: so that’s pretty much what happen
Adrian Thompson: I saw those guys that came up to us in the den Friday night and asked them. They told a similar story
Frank Utter: we are going to have to get him help, because I only can see this getting worst
Terry Boldman: the way he is going around, I doubt he wants any help. He thinks he got it!
Adrian Thompson: Shit! Look at the time, I am suppose to be meeting up with Vanessa right now
(Everyone gets up and walk outside)
Terry Boldman: Frank where did you park?
Frank Utter: I parked on the other side; I stopped by the bookstore before I came here.
Terry Boldman: do you want me to walk back with you?
Frank Utter: nah, I am just going to cut through the alley way
Adrian Thompson: ok later, remember I leave tomorrow guys
(Adrian and Terry leaves for their car, while Frank starts walking down the alley)
Bobby Allens: don’t think you are going to get away for last night
(Frank turns around and sees Bobby)
(Frank turns around and starts running)
(Bobby starts chasing after Frank)
(Frank drop his phone and Bobby steps on it)
(Bobby catches up to Frank and punched him in the back)
(Frank goes sliding on the ground; bruising his face and left arm)
(Bobby raises Frank up off the ground by his shirt and punched him in the face)
(Bobby then starts undoing Frank pants)
(Frank reaches out for a metal bar; that’s not too far from him)
(Frank swings the bar, hitting Bobby in the face)
(Bobby is screaming in pain; while trying to pulling himself up off the wall)
(Frank hits Bobby in the knee; Bobby falls back to the ground)
(Frank hits Bobby several more times in the head with the bar)
Police 1: Freeze!
(Frank drops the bar)
Frank Utter: He was trying to rape
Police 2: that is not what we saw
(Police 1 felt Bobby’s pulse)
Police 1: he’s dead
Frank Utter: I was defending myself
Police 2: you are under arrest!
Frank Utter: this is bullshit
[Scene change to Vanessa’s apartment]
(Brian walks out of the bathroom)
Brian Brown: he is still not here yet?
Vanessa Vinning: he is known for always being late
Brian Brown: I don’t know why I missed breakfast because I am staving right now
Vanessa Vinning: he will be here soon; why don’t you eat a fruit or something
Brain Brown: that is not going to hold me
(Adrian walks into the Vanessa’s apartment)
Adrian Thompson: sorry I am late
(Brian draws his head back)
Brian Brown: so you are Adrian
[Scene change to Kevin’s house]
Kevin Zacland: Mary!
Mary Zacland: you are always trying to start a fight in front of the kids
(The two kids are crying, while watching their parents argue)
Kevin Zacland: I am not; I just want things to go back to the way it used to be
Mary Zacland: it’s time for you to grow up, because all you care about is sex and I am not having any more kids
Kevin Zacland: I never said anything about having more kids; I have been gone for three months and this one weekend when I am home, the kids cannot go over your mothers so we can spend quality time alone
Mary Zacland: now you are just be plain out selfish; I am not the only one that miss you, the kids missed you too. Why should I have them spend the weekend away from their father knowing that you are leaving again so soon?
[Scene change to restaurant]
(Vanessa laugh)
Adrian Thompson: do you have an eye problem
Brian Brown: nope; why would you say that?
Adrian Thompson: because you are looking my way a little too hard
Vanessa Vinning: Adrian enough; we are all having a good time, let’s keep it that way
[Scene change to Kevin’s house]
Kevin Zacland: I have had it; I am going to spend the night at a hotel and leave from there and go to the airport in the morning
Mary Zacland: and that is going to solve it all
Kevin Zacland: you will soon realize what you are missing out on
Mary Zacland: Me? You are the one that is going to be missing out!
(Kevin storm out the house)
[Scene change to the airport]
(Adrian yawn)
Kevin Zacland: so you finally arrived
Adrian Thompson: yeah, I was out late last night and didn’t get a chance to pack
Kevin Zacland: well the plane doesn’t start boarding for another hour; I am going to have me a drink
Adrian Thompson: this early? Drink one for me
(Kevin heads to the bar)
(Adrian turns around and bumps into someone; dropping his things on the floor)
(They both bends down to pick it up)
Walter Jefferson: I am sorry
Adrian Thompson: No, it’s my fault
Wow! He is cute!
Walter Jefferson: (laugh) so where are you heading to?
Adrian Thompson: Denver
Walter Jefferson: Really?! I live there
Adrian Thompson: then what are you doing here
Walter Jefferson: I do business here; so I am here every now and then
Adrian Thompson: interesting
(Walter hands Adrian back his boarding pass)
Walter Jefferson: it seems like you will be sitting next to me
(Adrian smiles)
*** I’m Gonna Find My Love… ***